Young Pre…

日本建築学会 情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウムでは、本年度より、若手優秀発表賞の選考を実施いたします。受賞資格者は、建築学会会員で発表当日30歳未満の方です。但し、学生の方は30歳以上の方も対象となります(前年度までに同賞を授与された方は選考対象外です)。詳しくは下記をご確認ください。

In order to acknowledge and encourage research on computer-based information technology in architectural engineering, the AIJISA Young Presentation Award starts from this year. Young researchers or students who meet the following criteria may participate.

  • AIJ member
  • Under 30 years of age on the day of his or her oral presentation at AIJISA (AIJ Members aged 30 years or above may participate provided they are students.)
  • Not a past winner

Details are described below:

The awarding ceremony and ceremonial Photo session will be held on December 13, 2019. Please participate.