Call for …

原稿は、別途募集を行う「論文」と「報告」と同様、DVD-ROMで配布します。原稿は電子投稿となります。カラー利用の制約はありません。また、論文・報告を合わせて、同一発表者での投稿は2件までとします。 申込〆切は10月4日(金)となります。
詳細:Interactive Presentation(インタラクティブ発表)

AIJISA starts the interactive presentation session from this year. The manuscript will be distributed on DVD-ROM as well as full and short papers. The author(s) use the electronic submission system for their application and paper submission. There are no color restrictions. In addition, up to two submissions by the same first author is accepted including full and short papers. The submission deadline is Oct. 4 (Submission system will open on September 25).
Details: Interactive Presentation